Saturday, May 23, 2009

Welcoming YUMIEKO

After about a month MICHIKO joined the family, it seems like Bintang has been keeping to herself, because the 2 males play actively so often, that Bintang finds is to harsh for her. So it is so often that she keeps to herself at a high position watching BULAN and MICHIKO play rough. She seems to be lonely, while BULAN enjoys MICHIKO's company so much as he has a friend to play with when the other is not in the mood for playing =).

So to accompany BINTANG, perhaps a female cat may be nice. So we welcomed YUMIEKO. Unfortunately, she is an arrogant young female cat, she joined the family on 23rd May 2009 and at the time she was nearly 3 months of age. MICHIKO had of course been extra friendly, he later realized that YUMIEKO didn't really like him so he took it slowly, though still forcing the newly arrived YUMIEKO to play with him. BULAN is like, if you no friend me then i no friend you. Annnndddd BINTANG, if she could gag, I think she would've. You can see it in her face, 'not another one.....'. So maybe another cat to accompany her was not such a great idea after all.... anyhow, I hope this will work out well.