~BULAN signing in~
*yaaaawwwnnn* Yeah, it's another cat show. I've been to so many and after not winning on the previous show, I thought these humans would give me some peace and let me stay at home. But NO, they want the entry gift so much that I had to tag along with BINTANG and YUMIEKO. I know I'm all cute and playful at home, but don't even hope on me entertaining all those people. huh! it's better that I sleep so I can save energy to play and run around at home. Oh.. should I mention that she didn't feed us this morning, because you didn't feed me, I will not be nice to people as you would hope! With cool air and my blankie....aaahhhh... I shall complete my beauty sleep. Careful people, I may be cute, but I know how to bite!
BINTANG was about 4 cages away from me. BINTANG, you should do what I do, SLEEP and ignore those people. When you respond to them, they like you more and you do not want them to like you. It's good that you bite them, but the thing is you don't bite hard enough. But I think you shouldn't bite them. God knows, how clean their hands are. Anyhow, I think BINTANG hated it more than I did.
YUMIEKO was placed further away, across the hall, but from where I was that's what I could see. Hehe.. do you see YUMIEKO in cage #72. Great job!
YUMIEKO found out that she was just too cute to be seen. She didn't like the spot lights, and I think she really meant it. So if you came to see YUMIEKO but didn't see her, that's because she looked like this.
YUMIEKO felt better when she was placed next to BINTANG though, I think it's because BINTANG did the biting and chased people away.
*sigh* I'm home. hah! the human is tired, but I got enough rest! I shall run around now, make some mess. so that she realize how tired she is that next time, she won't go for the cat shows anymore. But somehow, she's just like MICHIKO, I think she doesn't know how to learn from experience. lucky me.
~BULAN signing off~
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